Welcome to Shameless Plug Friday

Posted by ZenMom Friday, February 12, 2010

OK.  I'm bad, I know.  Today, there will be no witty commentary on my dysfunctional family.

Today, its all about me.

I think I mentioned I've been trying to actually make some money, instead of spending countless hours puttering around the blogsphere.  In an effort to do this, I started writing articles for Woodall's Family Camping blog

So in an effort to make me look good to the editors (and help me keep my job), I'm posting links to my beautiful prose about trailers, travels and more.   This is my shameless plug to get more people to actually read what I've written.  Hopefully you won't be too bored.

Head for the Hills
Go, Dog, Go!
Best of Both Worlds

I promise more stupid family stories next time.

Typing away,

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  1. That's so exciting! I write 2 posts a month for a jewelry blog, only pays me $70 USA monthly but hey, I'll take it! Good for you, hope this works out.

  2. Susan Fobes Says:
  3. Now I could handle being with your two regular sized dogs camping. I didn't do well with an RV, my inlaws, and their two dogs...

  4. Ms. G Says:
  5. Hey, those are good articles, we RV camped for years but had to give it up. btw,I'm slapping my forehead with the heel of my hand. That's what I get for lurking:)

  6. Good luck to you with your new job!! I'm heading over there now...

  7. Great work!! I can't wait to read your new camping related stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Hey, I just got back from reading your stuff at Woodalls and it is great!! I'm excited for you. I post on greendivamom.com and so I am always harassing my friends to go read my stuff over there too. Thanks again for sharing with us. I love to know what other bloggers are doing, esp. my faves like you.


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