Nope. Not exactly. It may be the end of my world, but yours should be just fine. Unless you have a preschooler that is.
Today, when I dropped off the Stinker at preschool, I went to sign up for Wednesday Lunch Bunch as usual. Too bad there were no sign up sheets.
And then it hit me. This is THE last week of preschool before summer break. Its filled with field trips and water days and other fun stuff, so no enrichment for the little ones.
This will truly rock my world. Gone will be my 2 1/2 hours of bliss...usually spent running around like a crazy lady trying to accomplish at least a few of the millions of things I need to get done sans a four-year-old.
And my five hour stretches? I guess I can kiss those goodbye until sometime in late August too.
I am taking some deep cleansing breathes right now to ward off the stress, but something tells me its a losing battle. In the meantime, I'll be repenting for all the sins I will be committing over the next couple of months...before its too late.
Enjoying my last days of freedom,